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Parents are still not doing the right thing to avoid childhood obesity.

The one easy way to make children overweight and have them suffer from obesity is to feed them unhealthy snacks.

Snacking is one of the ways kids use to replenish energy in their bodies.
If they have unhealthy snacks, even if they eat healthy food for dinner they have already packed excess calories in their body.
Here are some options that reduce snack-colorful and attractive to young people the desire to their risk of obesity in children, are.

Strawberry and yogurt smoothie.
If children can help to drink this smoothie certainly.
It is colorful and full of good nutrition, make sure the yogurt is plain to avoid the risk of adding excess calories.
Chop the vegetables with a yogurt dip.

Children love dips and if you can give them a mildly sweetened yogurt.
It is an easy trick that I use with my children all the time and it works.

If they ask for something to drink at snack time, instead of juice give them milk.
It will also help them lose weight.
If you can avoid the cookies, soda and candy you are lowering the risk of these children suffering from childhood obesity that is usually hard to deal with compared to adult obesity.



It is drawing more attention from every individual as it touches both the adults and kids.
The first step to curing and avoiding childhood obesity is looking at the causes.
If other family members (parents, to be more specific) are overweight, chances are that the kid will suffer from childhood obesity.

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle seems to be the leading cause of childhood obesity.


In some ways, heredity can increase the risk of childhood obesity regardless of whether the child has an eating disorder or not.
Sometimes, the physical activity can be powerless in cases of hereditary obesity.

Health related issues

Some physical conditions and disorders may cause hormonal imbalances which may lead to obesity.
The side effects of drugs and some other cases doctors may increase the risk of obesity.

Knowing all these will help parents bring up their kids far from the corridors of obesity.
However, if your child or children already suffering from the symptoms of obesity, you can get help from a doctor and the right strategy for weight loss.


::::::::::::THE DIET SOLUTION PLAN:::::::::::::


Between the availability of convenience and fast foods and the trend for children to be less active, obesity in children has risen nearly 50%.
Along with the childhood weight problems associated with obesity in children, many other health issues can occur such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, orthopaedic problems, sleeping disorders and the most prominent disease, type 2 diabetes.
Less than ten years ago it was nearly unheard of for children to develop this form of diabetes.
Today, children as young as age 10 are being diagnosed with this dangerous disease.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Childhood Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin and cannot use insulin properly, becoming ‘insulin resistant’.
When this happens, blood sugar levels at the high sky.
Unlike type 1 diabetes, which you are born with, type 2 is attributed to lack of a healthy diet and exercise.
Obese children have a higher risk of developing this disease, their active.

Early Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Below are signs that will tell you if your child is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Cholesterol – Cholesterol is your child\#39;s test.
Make sure to get the LDL (good cholesterol) and HDL (bad cholesterol) tested separately.

BMI and Growth charts – If your child is extremely overweight according to the charts, or has had a large jump in weight, this is a warning sign

Symptoms of Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Symptoms to watch for if you think your child is at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Constantly thirsty, drinking fluids continuously.

Feeling weak and tired.

Slow healing of cuts, bug bites, etc.
Preventing childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes in order to avoid the risk of developing type 2 diabetes children is as simple as a healthy diet and exercise to prevent obesity in children.
You can start at any age, but the younger, the better.
Some suggestions are: 1.
Plan nutritious meals for the entire family choosing whole grain foods and good fats along with plenty of vegetables.
Toss out the ‘3 meals a day’ routine and serve children smaller, more frequent meals.
Choose healthy snacks for children like fruit or dry popcorn.
Limit television and computer games and encourage your child to do physical activities.


Changing habits developed since childhood may be difficult, but don’t discourage.
Remember, the changes you are making may save your child from a lifetime of illness.
For more information, articles, parents, free online assessment tools and downloads weight childhood obesity advice and tips for visiting other [http://www.



Studies have shown that childhood obesity is not gone, is indeed a constant slope.
A study in the United States showed that over 15% of children in the US ranging from ages 6 to 17, with some of the cases including children who are up to 19 years old, as being obese.
Unless something is done about this epidemic, the statistics going into the # 39 continued, high.
Thankfully, the situation concerning childhood obesity can be prevented and rectified.
Some of the reasons for childhood obesity, according to the American Obesity Association, are lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, when children are exposed to others who promote sedentary behaviors, and socioeconomic stresses.
When a child has genetics from an obese background their chances of becoming obese greatly increase.
Children who are obese can look forward to problems such as joint deterioration, cardiac issues, and even possible death.
Make sure to avoid non-nutritional foods, limit media time, and try to provide a good example that your children can follow.
It doesn’t have to be competitive but physical exercise of some type.
Investment in new physical and interactive games are now on the market (such as DDR Wii) Walk your child to school when it is convenient.

Take the weekends to go on walks or hikes.
Give your child tasks to mow lawns or raking leaves physics do.

Healthy eating is one of the best ways to prevent childhood obesity.
Some of the ways to promote healthy eating habits: Limit the number of chocolates, junk food, candy, and the products you buy and keep it out of sight of your child, take them a good and healthy food.

Consult a nutritionist to talk about better options to choose from.

Make sure to be an active participant in your child’s life and know what they are eating.

Keep the snacks that you offer your child healthy.
Always remember that your child does not keep fat voluntarily.
There are emotional or physical issues that must be diagnosed by a physician as well as treatment.
Make sure that a parent or at home provides a loving, supportive and healthy, so that your child feel confident and achieve its goal of a healthy lifestyle.


::::::::::::THE DIET SOLUTION PLAN:::::::::::::



We have to note that obesity is one of the major reasons why people are dying at early ages.

Obesity in children can cause them to get illnesses which can be fatal to their health.
Some of the illnesses that children may get at an early stage of their lives because of obesity are diabetes, high blood pressure, and even high cholesterol levels which might lead to heart attacks.

In order to combat national childhood obesity, parents should make it sure that children are eating healthy foods.
Obesity in the family, a balanced diet every day can be a good start in preventing # 39.
Remember that obesity does not only happen to children but it can also happen to adults.
why should the whole family a balanced diet everyday.
Foods which are rich in vitamins and minerals are great to be served during the meals.
However, we must also remember that foods are rich in protein, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy.

Doing active physical activities and exercises can also be a great solution in preventing childhood obesity.
Exercises which make the children sweat are good because these can allow them to burn fats and calories which are usually the causes for obesity.
Even though people are eating a well-balanced diet everyday, when they are always eating in excess, they will still have great chances of becoming obese and get the illnesses that are associated with it.

These are some of the ways on how to combat national childhood obesity.




This is a medically proven fact.
Who is responsible for the effects of childhood obesity? There are a number of contributory factors.
These are the main culprits.
• parents to stress and fast-moving life.
They have precious little time with their children never mind preparing healthy nutritious home cooked meals the kids need.
• Advertising.
Everyone is blasted with “Save time, Buy junk food” advertising.
• L endless list and, unfortunately, very depressing.

Who must ultimately take responsibility for the effects of childhood obesity?

Parents and their Discipline!

Overweight parents are not good role models.
Great role models we parents are turning out to be!

A sobering thought, why have children if you are helping to kill them off!

What is your Priority.
Mom and Dad, you work to create a better life for your family.
The better life may be killing your children.
Has it ever occurred to you what the effects of childhood obesity will cost you in medical bills.

The answer! Discipline, old-fashioned, out of date discipline.
It starts with you, the parent company.
You cannot expect healthy, well nourished, fit children if you yourself do not take the lead.
L childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions.
While there are many reasons for the effects of childhood obesity, fat parents in most instances are to blame.
Mom and Dad, please, take the initiative be the first to the epidemic of obesity in adult children of all ages reverse.




Studies have shown that the last year (2010), that: * 50% of children in the U.S. is overweight.

* 30 % of these children eat fast food regularly.
* Chilhood obesity leads to health problems later in life, such as diabetes, heart disease, joint problems.

There is hope.
You can learn to win obesity in children just learning his role in the prevention.

Help your child eat better.

But simple little steps can and will make a difference.
At snack time make it a bit more healthy for them, do not let them have just the junk food.
Use a handful of chips, orange slices, grapes, raisins, nuts and maybe some celery stalks with peanut butter on them.
There is a reason for this and it is simply that if you take away all the bad foods at once, your child will rebel.
They will complain about bad food, and more of it, defeat its purpose, to make them eat better.

At meal time they make a plant any other vegetables you give them a snack served that two.
That is all they have to eat unless they want more.
You can find out what your child likes and dislikes vegetables.
Making it possible for you to serve more of what they like.
Exercise is a leading key to preventing childhood obesity.
The way to accomplish this is through fun.
They will grumble and most likely make you miserable in the process.
I used music on my daughter.

If your child has chores simply put some music on, get them dancing around, singing and laughing.
It received only 30 minutes of training, not knowing that have.
If your child has yet to be assigned chores then they need some other way to dance around.
Why is not the parent-child time, this is a time when we just silly with your child / children.
Song and dance is a good place to start.
With implementation of dietary el exercise is better to significantly reduce the risk of diseases associated with the child obesity in children.




5 million children are overweight in the United States and more than 17 percent.
That’s why it has become so important to fight childhood obesity.

Overweight children are at higher risk of developing:Type 2 diabetes, Metabolic syndrome, High blood pressure, Asthma and other respiratory problems, Sleep disorders, Liver disease, Early puberty or menarche, Eating disorders, Skin infections, and The social and emotional challenges that can cause severe depression or low self-esteem due to social isolation.
In fact, children often tease or bully their overweight peers who are at increased risk for depression following reasons.
Then this can be directly related to learning problems.
Overweight children tend to more anxiety and poorer social skills than children of normal weight.
These problems may lead to acting out and disrupting the classroom.
They can also cause social withdrawal.
Stress and anxiety interfere with learning.
This is just one more reason to fight childhood obesity.
Treatment will usually include changes in the childs diet and the level of physical activity for your child.

For a child under 7 years old who has no other health concerns, the goal of treatment may be weight maintenance rather than weight loss.
But, for an obese child, maintaining weight while waiting to grow taller may be as difficult as losing weight for older people.
The weight loss is usually for children older than 7 or for younger children, health problems have recommended.
A childs weight loss should be slow and steady ,anywhere from 1 pound (0.
45 kg) per week 1 pound per month, depending on the situation, Childs.

The methods a child would use for fighting obesity or losing weight are the same:

The child needs to enjoy healthy eating.

The parents are the ones who buy the food, cook the food and decide where the food is eaten.
When a parent is buying groceries, they choose fruits and vegetables over convenience foods that are high in sugar and fat.
Never use food as a reward or punishment.
These drinks provide little nutritional value in exchange for their high calories.
Sit down together for family meals.
Discourage eating in front of a screen.
This leads to fast eating and lowers the awareness of how much you’re eating.
Limit the number of times you eat, particularly fast food restaurants.

improving children\#39;s physical activity needs.

A critical component of weight loss, especially for a child, is physical activity.
It helps children sleep well at night and stay alert during the day.
An active child is more likely to become a fit adult.
A sure way to increase your childs activity level is to limit the number of hours he/she is allowed to watch television each day.
The child’s activity doesn’t have to be a structured exercise program – the object is just to get him or her moving.
looking for free-play activities such as playing hide, tag or jump-rope can be great for burning calories and improving fitness.
A parent can find activities the child likes to do.
Maybe your child loves to go hiking in nature.
The child can collect leaves and rocks to make a collage.
If your child loves to climb, go to the gym nearby jungle or climbing wall.
If the child likes to read, then walk or bike to the neighborhood library to check out a book.
Find fun activities that the whole family can do together.
Let each child take a turn choosing the activity for that day.

The childs Success depends a lot on the parents commitment to helping the child make these changes.




The percentage of

children who are seriously overweight, going on obese, has soared in

every western country in the last few years.

Should we care about childhood obesity?

The number one reason to think that we should care if our children

are overweight, and try to change the situation, is that an obese

child has a 70% greater risk of becoming an overweight adult,and the

risk is closer to 80% if one parent is obese.
I bet you can

remember a fat child in your class at school, and how much the poor kid

was teased.

Signs that a child is obese or at risk

Physical measurements are, of course, a good guide.

But other factors come into play as well, especially in preventing

obesity in the first place:

Family history of obesity — which often means that the whole
family eats the wrong food and takes too little exercise, thus putting
at risk children who are not yet obese
Unusual self-consciousness when undressed, perhaps in a swimming
pool or public showers
Too much sitting about in front of the TV, computer or video games,
with little or no physical activity
High sugar intake, especially in sweets and candy and rich cakes
— this is really hard to combat in a society in which almost all
processed food contains added sugar
Eating very little fruit and few vegetables — well, not many
kids like their greens, but if they also push away the fruit bowl they
are really at risk, not just of obesity but of all kinds of physical
Snacking all the time between meals, partly because this makes it
less likely that the child will eat nourishing meals at the regular
times, but also because almost all snacks are high in fat and
carbohydrate (often in the form of sugar) and low in protein

How Can We Help Our Children To Be Healthy?

That’s the subject of a book all by itself, and indeed I’d recommend

reading Kris Kerr’s book

Childhood Obesity: how to prevent it, how to deal with it [http://www.
Cape Spear.

to find out more both about the ways to see if your child is at risk and how to

deal with the problem.
It’s worth

it to have healthy, happy children!

But don’t delay.
Every day you wait to begin another day of danger for children.
You owe it to them — start NOW to combat

childhood obesity and give your kids the future they deserve.



The percentage of obese or overweight children in the United States has roughly doubled between 1971 and 2000.
The prevalence of overweight and obese children has increased from 15% in 1971 to more than 30% in 2000.
U003ci u003eLa obesity follow ethnicity? there u003C / i u003E there are large differences in the situation of childhood obesity in Los Angeles County, California.
One report published in January, 2006, shows children of Latin American decent leading the “Overweight” competition in that western US state.
It shows the problem of childhood obesity among ethnic groups, divided as follows: 19.
4% .
Afro-Americans (or black) 17.
6% .
9% .
2% .
0% .
0% .
White would suggest that this might be typical of the general population of the United States.
I suppose that any variation in this distribution may simply follow the demographic make-up of respective localities.
But I remember reading an article where the writer, such as Latin Americans and Caucasians Toben was considered the definition of overweight or ” as ; ” fat ; different.

According to article, the meaning of overweight differs from one culture to the other.
It seems like Smith ” , movie-star-thin ” be, but as Latinos ” ; curves.
” In other words, thin looks sick to Latinos and curves look “fat” to whites.
How do the curves or the thins relate to lifestyle conditions like diabetes and hypertension?

One of the startling realities I came across as I looked at some childhood obesity statistics was this sentence from a research articls: “Sports participation among children is declining.

Children who are thin, i.
are not considered obese or overweight, **but** who are not physically active, can become overweight and have the same fate as those who are already overweight or obese.

Physical activity among children should not be allowed to wane.
As Broderick, Winter, and Allan (2006) pointed out, “, sport and physical activity are important for childhood optimizing bone mass and reduce obesity el insulin resistance.

Coupling the lack of physical activity with the prevalence of junk food, excess sugar and fats in the diet, one can expect this trend to produce a larget segment of the world population having type 2 diabetes.
[For a longer version of this article, including a chart you can use the Web site of the Author.
